TJCTC Updates 1.16.2025

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Online Training and Resources

This edition of Updates is relatively light on content, but we wanted to make sure to share a few online training resources this week.

It has been a delight seeing judges and court staff as we kicked off the new academic year, and we are all looking forward to seeing more of you and the constables and deputies as we hold more conferences over the next few months.

As always, we hope you have a great week and stay warm out there!

Constable Corner

Law Enforcement Policy Trends

As policies change with the times, it is important for agencies to stay up-to-date. Lexipol recently posted their 5 Policy Trends for Law Enforcement Leaders in 2025 tip sheet to their blog, highlighting critical areas where agencies must adapt to remain effective and resilient. 

Read the blog post:

NCSC Webinar – Tech for All: Applications of AI to Increase Access to Justice – Wednesday, January 29 at noon

Join NCSC staff and guest presenters to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing access to justice for underserved communities.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, from noon – 1 pm

Presenters will discuss how they are safely and effectively leveraging new technologies to make the legal system more accessible. Participants will learn about practical applications of AI and discover the potential for democratizing access to legal information for increased participation in court cases and proceedings. The presenters will also share compelling case studies that demonstrate how AI can directly assist individuals seeking justice.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the potential benefits of implementing self-help AI solutions
  • Understand the complexity and cost of developing and implementing a self-help AI tool, including the skillsets and resources necessary
  • Describe the building blocks for a self-help chatbot


NCSC Online Course in Support of National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

New online course connects courts with CDL drivers in the fight against human trafficking.

A new NCSC course gives courts an opportunity to connect with Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders to raise awareness about human trafficking.

CDL Drivers and Courts: On the Road to End Human Trafficking is a free, 45-minute, interactive, self-paced online course developed by NCSC Creative Learning Services (CLS).

Courts are encouraged to share messaging about the course in notices or public information geared toward CDL drivers. Course completion may also be court ordered as an appropriate sentence requirement or condition of probation, parole, or community service.

“With about 8.7 million commercial motor vehicle drivers in the U.S., this initiative provides an opportunity to reach a significant number of commercial drivers with information to help them detect and report human trafficking,” said Derek Felton, NCSC CLS director. “State courts and judges can actively participate by promoting the course and reinforcing certain messaging at various CDL holder touchpoints.”

The course covers essential signs of trafficking, discusses how to report suspicious activity, and provides insights into potential victims, perpetrators, and common trafficking locations.

How courts can help

Additional resources available to courts and justice system partners to help raise awareness include a judicial bench card, a reference card for prosecutors, digital signage content, social media graphics, and flyers and rack cards.

Felton encourages courts to begin supporting the CDL Drivers and Courts initiative this month, which has been designated National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

To learn more about the course and access the implementation guide and resources, visit

Video Series from Austin Young Lawyers Association – Did you miss it last year?

Austin Young Lawyers Association has launched “How to Pick Jurors for Your Trial in Justice Courts and Municipal Courts” video series. AYLA received a Texas Bar Foundation grant to produce these educational series for pro se litigants. The video project made possible with the support and efforts of the Travis County District Clerk.

This is a great resource to share with self-represented litigants who have questions about the trial process, especially jury selection.

You may also notice a special appearance by your colleague, Judge Sylvia Holmes. 

Here is the link to the series:

Do you have questions about this update or have something we should share? Please email Amber Myers at with any questions or content to share.

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TJCTC Updates 1.6.2025

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Happy New Year!

Welcome back to the office (hopefully you all had at least a little well-needed time off this holiday season)!

We wanted to kick this year off right with some resources and updates. 

Countdown to the New Year: 10 Ways to Ring in Your Mental Health

As we start a new year, judges, court staff, and law enforcement are often faced with hard cases and burnout, making some of those resolutions to take care of your health even harder!

Take a look at this article from Mental Health First Aid about how to look after your mental health and that of your friends, family, and co-workers this season.

Clerk Testing Goes Live Tomorrow!

It’s time! Exam registration opens tomorrow at 8 am.

To register for the exam just head to our exam website and click on “1. Register to take the exam online” then click the link for the appropriate exam.

This will take you to log into your TJCTC account and then you register like you would for one of our conferences.

To take the Master exam you must already be level one certified (you only need to have passed one of the level one exams).

Registration closes on January 16. The exams will open on January 17th and close on February 14th. For questions contact Darby Swoboda at

Continued Guidance on Magistration in Open Court

TJCTC has continued to receive questions on the ruling in Texas Tribune v. Caldwell County case from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. 

There have been concerns about not having enough time to implement procedures to make magistration hearings open. Unfortunately, this is just the nature of how court rulings can impact local procedures. Going forward, magistration proceedings must be open.  

Please continue to work with your local partners – county/district attorneys, sheriff, and jail staff to ensure that your magistration proceedings are open. You can read more about the case in an earlier post on The Docket.  

Read more from other groups here: Texas Commission on Jail Standards and Texas District and County Attorney’s Association.

NCSC Self-Represented Litigants:

The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has compiled a page of resources for courts to use when assisting self-represented litigants (SRLs), including some very helpful videos that you can share on your website or in the courtroom!

Access the Resources Page:

Access the Videos:

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month

In January, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will be kicking off the first national Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month – a time to raise awareness of the benefits and availability of evidence-based treatments for people with a substance use disorder.

So, check out our their Treatment Month Toolkit, and keep your eyes on all of SAMHSA’s social media platforms. There you’ll find our tips, resources and even webinars to help people learn more about what substance use disorder is and how it can be effectively treated.

Poverty Awareness Month

Every January is National Poverty Awareness Month. 

This is a great time to think about access to justice issues in your courts and communities, because they are often related to poverty.

Some resources to review are:

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TJCTC Updates 12.11.2024

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Happy Wednesday!

This week has been busy and also very exciting as we welcomed the new judges to their Stage I training.

This update is packed-full. Make sure you scroll all the way down to find the links for our NEW Juvenile Diversion Forms and to sign up for our upcoming Juvenile Diversions Webinar: Children in the Courts.

Caselaw Update Important

First Amendment Right to View Magistration Hearings

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a closed magistration hearing violates the First Amendment. The case is Texas Tribune v. Caldwell County.

Check out our full explanation and advice on TJCTC’s blog, The Docket.

Read the case:

Legal Topic of the Week

Public/Open Records

As our newly-elected colleagues are taking office, so are many new court personnel and deputies. We thought this is an appropriate time to remind everyone about their duties related to public access to court and government records. 


Remember, courts hold two types of records: court case records and judicial records. Both are generally open for public access or inspection, with a few limitations. The chart below (from page 14 of the Recordkeeping and Reporting Deskbook) discusses the differences.

Court Case Records vs. Judicial Records

Key Point

Because these records are public, there should not be a burdensome process for a someone to go through, especially a party or person assisting in their representation.

For example, in an eviction case, an attorney may request a copy of the case file prior to agreeing to represent a tenant or landlord in an appeal, so that they can make sure they don’t have any conflicts. It is important for these records to be released promptly, because of the short timelines for the case. No letter of representation is necessary for the release of the records, because the record is public and could be released to anyone. If you would like the person requesting the record to submit a written request, it is a best practice to have a form ready for them to complete and allow submission of the request by email, mail, and at the counter. 

Do you want to study the specifics of records release and retention? The Recordkeeping Deskbook discusses these issues in detail!


Constable Records

Constable and other law enforcement offices are subject to the Public Information Act (PIA), so they follow different rules related to the release of records. 

The Texas Attorney General’s Office has a helpful page about the PIA requests and even has a PIA handbook available. Visit the AG’s PIA webpage:

TJCTC Webinar: Children in the Courts 12/17/2024

This webinar will explore juvenile diversions including potential issues related to language access, mental health concerns, and disabilities. This course satisfies the requirement of Government Code Sec. 22.1105.  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 2:00 pm.

Note: An extension of this course will also be offered as a general session at the 20-hr Conferences during this academic year.

Register on Zoom:

Juvenile Diversion Forms Update

Did you know that we have lots of resources to help you with juvenile diversions?

Remember, Juvenile Diversion Plans must be in place and available for public inspection for all justice courts by January 1, 2025. 

Texas County Progress

The Texas County Judges & Commissioners Association publishes a monthly magazine that often has helpful articles and information for justices of the peace and constables.

This month they shared an article called Do’s and Don’ts of County Purchasing, that might be of particular interest, especially for the newly-elected.

Read the Article on the County Progress website:

Do you have questions about this update or have something we should share? Please email Amber Myers at with any questions or content to share.

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TJCTC Updates 12.5.2024

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Is it December already??

As the year comes to an end, we have a few legal updates for you as well as some training opportunities.

There is recent caselaw out of the Fifth Circuit that will impact your county, and the Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices (CMEC) requires JP responses soon, as JPs fill the coroner role in Texas.  Also, don’t miss a pretty cool new resource to share with self-represented litigants!

Caselaw Update

First Amendment Right to View Magistration Hearings

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a closed magistration hearing violates the First Amendment.  The case is Texas Tribune v. Caldwell County. In Caldwell County at the time the lawsuit was filed, magistration occurred via videoconference.  The defendant was in the county jail.  No counsel, family, friends, or press were present at the magistration hearing.  The sheriff had a policy of prohibiting access to the jail to observe magistration. The federal district judge granted a preliminary injunction against the county, meaning that the federal judge found a substantial likelihood that the two news outlets and an advocacy organization would succeed at trial.

The court of appeals recently affirmed the trial court’s ruling. The three-judge panel stated, “There can be no question that public access to bail hearings plays a significant positive role in the functioning of bail hearings.”  While there may be exceptions, they found that there is a presumptive First Amendment right to access to magistration hearings.

It is unclear how counties are going to respond to this ruling.  Like Caldwell County has chosen to do, other counties may comply by streaming the proceedings via Zoom and YouTube. This seems to be the most accepted method, because magistration hearings often take place in a secure location in the jail where there could be safety and liability issues for the public to be physically present during the hearings. Because your county attorney would represent you in any litigation, it’s important that you seek their advice on this important issue. 

Read the case:

Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices (CMEC)


RTI International, on behalf of BJS, is conducting the Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices (CMEC), and they are in our last 2 weeks of data collection efforts. 

All JPs in counties without a Medical Examiner’s Office should have gotten an email with log in credentials for the CMEC in early October.  If you have not yet completed the survey, please do so by December 13 so that you can be included in this important effort. 

It’s crucial for all offices, no matter the size, to participate in the CMEC to ensure the data accurately reflects all offices performing death investigations across the US.  Even if you are not tasked with death investigation efforts, please log in, and the survey will allow you indicate that you do not investigate deaths as part of your assigned responsibilities. 

As of now, Texas’ response rate is less than 10%.  If you did not receive log in credentials for the survey, or if you have any questions, please contact  

Justice Court Section Webinar: Debt Claim Cases – Defaults in Justice Court – A View from the Bench 12/6/2024

Join the Justice Court Section of the State Bar of Texas as Hon. Ralph D. Swearingin, Jr. and Daisy Espinoza present Debt Claim Cases – Defaults in Justice Court – A View from the Bench.

Friday, December 6, 2024 at noon

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the webinar.

Register here:

Webinar: Chat with a Forensic Pathologist 12/11/2024

Dr Michael Baden is a renowned, 90 year old forensic pathologist who has been chief medical examiner for the city of New York, chairman of the house select committee on assassinations, investigated the assassination of John F Kennedy, the OJ Simpson murders, and many other well known cases. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 4:00 pm.

Note: this event will be an in-person chat with the famous doctor, sponsored by AD Valor Technical Cleaning in Dublin OH. Click the button below to watch via Zoom. 

Register here:

TJCTC Webinar: Children in the Courts 12/17/2024

This webinar will explore juvenile diversions including potential issues related to language access, mental health concerns, and disabilities. This course satisfies the requirement of Government Code Sec. 22.1105.  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 2:00 pm.

Note: An extension of this course will also be offered as a general session at the 20-hr Conferences during this academic year.

Register here:

Video Series from Austin Young Lawyers Association

Austin Young Lawyers Association has launched “How to Pick Jurors for Your Trial in Justice Courts and Municipal Courts” video series. AYLA received a Texas Bar Foundation grant to produce these educational series for pro se litigants. The video project made possible with the support and efforts of the Travis County District Clerk.

This is a great resource to share with self-represented litigants who have questions about the trial process, especially jury selection.

You may also notice a special appearance by your colleague, Judge Sylvia Holmes. 

Here is the link to the series:

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Supreme Court Issued Emergency Order for Hurricane Affected Areas

Hello Everyone,

Late Friday afternoon, the Texas Supreme Court issued an emergency order, allowing justice courts in Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Matagorda, and Montgomery counties to extend deadlines if their office has been disrupted by the hurricane.

On Monday, July 15, 2024, an amended order was issued adding Brazoria County.

Please note, these deadline extensions could also impact the timelines for constable service in those counties, so constables should work with their courts to make sure service is proper and on the correct extended timeline.

You can read the order on the Texas Courts website: 

The TJCTC Team

TJCTC Updates 7.9.2024

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Hello Everyone,

We hope you are all having a great time taking some much-needed time off this summer and spending time with family and friends.

The TJCTC Team had a great time seeing many of you at the end of June in Fort Worth at the JPCA Conference and look forward to seeing you at one of our programs later this summer or in our next academic year. How is it almost time to release the new training schedule?!

Are you near El Paso? The DWI Summit on Thursday still has space!

July 11, 2024 at the Marriott El Paso

1600 Airway Blvd

El Paso, TX 79925

The DWI Summit brings judicial education to smaller communities around the state. Come learn about:

  • Case Law Updates (including mandatory traffic fines)
  • Pre-trial issues
  • Ignition Interlock
  • Occupational driver’s licenses

The program is open to County Judges, County Court at Law Judges, District Judges and Justices of the Peace. Programs begin at 10 a.m. and conclude by 3 p.m. All attendees will receive 4 hours of continuing judicial education. Lunch is provided.

Email Holly Doran at if you are interested.

Legal Feature: Eviction Appeals

We often get questions about eviction appeals, especially about payment of rent into the court registry and the transfer from justice court to county court. Because of this, we wanted to spotlight a self-paced module on the topic. Check out the Eviction Appeals Module, especially Lesson 4, for a review on the process.

You can find the module on the TJCTC Self-Paced Module page:

We hope this email found you well, and keep an eye out for a summer caselaw update coming your way soon!

Thea & the TJCTC Team

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Mental Health Resources for Courts

Did you know you can get updates specifically for courts from the Texas Judicial Commission on Mental Health (JCMH) delivered directly to your inbox?

The team at JCMH focuses on all things mental health and the court system. They provide lots of free resources and training for judges, including coming out to your county to provide technical assistance on issues like Emergency Detention Orders.

Sign up for their announcements and updates on their website.






Important Update – SB 4

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In the 4th Special Session of the 88th Texas Legislature, the Legislature passed SB 4, a bill which created several new immigration-related criminal offenses, as well as a procedure for magistrates and courts in certain situations to issue orders for defendants to return to a foreign country. The law was scheduled to go into effect March 5, 2024. The United States filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction and was joined by several other plaintiffs, including El Paso County.

On February 29, 2024, a United States District Judge issued a preliminary injunction, blocking the state of Texas from implementing the provisions of SB 4. Gov. Greg Abbott immediately signaled his intention to appeal the decision. For now, the law is not in effect. Please monitor further email updates, as well as, for updates and guidance as more information becomes available.

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TJCTC Updates 2.23.2024

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Good Afternoon Judges, Constables, & Court Staff,

With February coming to a close, we wanted to share some more resources, updates, and especially some legal updates with you. 

Updates from Legal

Warrant Teletypes

Can a judge magistrate on the teletype of a warrant, or do they need an actual copy of the warrant?

You are not legally prohibited from magistrating on a teletype when you do not have a copy of the warrant, but it is definitely a best practice to have the warrant. Teletypes can sometimes have incorrect information or not have enough detail, which can then result in errors in setting bail. Here are some examples of potential problems:

  • You might not know if the warrant has been issued by the trial court judge (which would mean you are prohibited from making a bail decision) or by a magistrate (in which case you are required to make a bail decision), and this also impacts how the bail form is filled out in the PSRS.
  • If the teletype says, “no bail,” it is not always clear if it is saying no bail is allowed or just that there is not a recommended dollar amount.
  • Without the details from the warrant, you will often not have enough information about the circumstances under which the offense was committed, which is one of the factors that must be considered when determining bail.

These are just three examples; other problems could arise as well. So while it is not technically required, TJCTC recommends having a copy of the warrant to ensure that you make a good bail decision.

Texas Supreme Court Finalizes Updates for Rule of Judicial Administration 7

Earlier this week, the Texas Supreme Court published their final updates to the Rules of Judicial Administration regarding confidentiality policies.  The new Rule 7.1 requires all courts (including justice courts) to develop a confidentiality policy and rules for training and distributing the policy to court staff. They also helpfully included their own policy which may be used as a model for other courts.

Upcoming Webinars

TAA Lease Update for 2024, hosted by TJCTC (1 civil hr.)

February 23rd from 10:00 – 11:00 a.mTODAY!!!

Join TAA for a review of the latest version of its lease! This class will allow courts to fully understand the terms of the most commonly-used lease in eviction and other landlord-tenant disputes.

Registration link:

Implementing SB4: Magistrate’s Order to Return, hosted by TJCTC

Feb 29th from 2 – 3:00 p.m.

Instructor: Bronson Tucker

This webinar will cover SB 4, taking effect on March 4th, which allows magistrates processing defendants charged with Illegal Entry into Texas to issue orders for the defendant to leave the United States. It is critical that magistrates follow the law precisely to avoid liability, and these issues will be covered in this critical course.


Impaired Driving Behavioral Interventions Around the Globe, hosted by The Impaired Driving Behavioral Interventions Interest Group

March 13 at 9:00 am Central Time

This webinar will highlight current evidence based impaired driving behavioral interventions conducted in Iran, Brazil, Canada, and the United States. An interactive panel will follow these presentations including:

  • How best practices and effective interventions can be implemented across the globe.
  • Where are the challenges to implement these strategies?
  • What does research tell us about the effectiveness of pre-trial/pre-sentence interventions for the impaired driver population?
  • Where are the gaps in training and education for these countermeasures?
  • What impaired driving technologies can help with implementation of interventions?


National Center for State Court Updates

NCSC Releases New Guide to Mental Health Diversion

This guide is intended to serve as a resource framework for courts and judges to use to promote and implement diversion strategies for individuals with behavioral health needs in their communities. Ideally, judges would collaborate with a range of system stakeholders to examine the entire diversion continuum but could also focus on one step of the process at a time. This guide focuses on jail diversion systems, post arrest, and pre plea. NCSC also hosted a Mental Health Diversion webinar in December 2023 on “Lessons from the Field.”

Download from the NCSC website.

NCSC Inclusive Language Resources

NCSC updated the Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit to reflect the best practices learned since initially releasing it over a year ago. It has a fresh look and light restructuring, but the message is the same. Check it out!
Also, here is a sample benchcard for quick tips and best practices that you can download. While the bench card is primarily directed to judges, the guidance in it is applicable to all professionals in the legal field.
Finally, if you have not yet watched the Tiny Chat or webinar on the topic, they are great quick references.

Updates from the Judicial Commission on Mental Health (JCMH)

JCMH routinely sends out updates including resources and training that is helpful for justice courts. If you would like to get these updates, subscribe to their email list.

Update on Legal Calls

We have had a large number of calls finding their way into the wrong voicemail inboxes. Remember, please dial 512-347-9927 and press “1” for legal calls. If you don’t, the voicemails end up with our program staff who also have a high call volume. Often times your legal call messages end up lost in their inboxes and don’t get transferred to the legal team for several days.

As always, we are looking forward to seeing you at a program in the upcoming months. We have a very busy Spring full of education events for you lined up from TJCTC!

Thea & the TJCTC Team

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TJCTC Updates October 11, 2023

Good Afternoon Judges, Constables, & Court Staff,

It has been a while since we have sent out a legal update, so we have quite a few things to share. Below we discuss several hot legal topics, updated resources, new online content, and our most up-to-date legal question procedure, so make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom!


Hot Topics

Administrative Closure in Receivership

Many courts have received requests from a receiver to “administratively close” a receivership once a payment plan has been reached between the receiver and the debtor. There isn’t statutory authority to administratively close a receivership.

When a court receives a request like this, they may:

  • do nothing and keep the receivership as is,
  • extend the receivership,
  • sign an order limiting or changing the receiver’s powers if they no longer need them to complete their duties, or
  • end the receivership.

If a receivership is ended or expires and the debtor defaults on their payment plan, the judgment creditor can always seek the re-appointment of a receiver or utilize some other judgment enforcement tool.

TJCTC recommends that if a receivership is extended, the court keep regular check-ins as a requirement of the receiver, at least once every 180 days. These check-ins can easily be done by phone, Zoom, or email.

Often these requests come to court because the receiver is seeking payment of their fees, at least in part. Courts have the discretion to order receiver fees disbursed at any time during the receivership for work that has already been performed.

Enforcing Arbitration Awards

With the rise of virtual arbitration, courts are receiving more requests to enforce an arbitration award. We discuss the full process for handling these cases starting on page 73 of the Civil Deskbook. Please review this if you receive one of these requests.

Sometimes arbitrations are conducted by large national arbitration companies, so the packets they provide may seem strange, as they cite the Federal Arbitration Act instead of the Texas Arbitration Act. However, in the cases we have discussed with judges, they are still properly filed here, because the arbitration took place here in Texas (the parties were here when they logged onto the arbitration).

HB 3956 – DNA Samples

This bill requires law enforcement to collect DNA samples from any defendant arrested for a felony offense during the booking process. This might affect judges who magistrate, because if a defendant refuses or for some reason a sample is not collected, Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 17.47 requires this to be listed as a condition of bond for felony offenses.


Updated Resources

You may have already noticed, but the updated Deskbooks are being posted. Please be patient while we finish the last few updates and work diligently to update the forms, charts, checklists, and other resources.

*New* Interpreters & Spanish Terminology Self-Paced Module

We just posted a brand-new module that covers legal issues related to interpreters, including help for appointing interpreters, a Spanish/English legal glossary, and more! Judges and court staff can get 3 hours of credit for completing the module. Constables and their staff may also find this module to be a good resource when dealing with persons with limited English proficiency or language skills.

*New* Juvenile Criminal Diversions Webinar

This webinar will discuss the details of the new Juvenile Diversion procedures as well as leave time for your questions. Please join us on Monday, October 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm on Zoom. Registration will open soon, and you should receive an email.


Legal Question Procedure

The legal department at TJCTC is happy to assist you with your legal questions, and we want to remind you of the best procedure to get your questions answered as quickly as possible. We know in the recent past we have had some phone issues, but now that should be all cleared up!

You have two options:

  1. One of the attorneys will be answering legal questions from 9:00 am – noon and 1:30 – 3:00 pm daily when we are not traveling to or teaching at a program. You can reach them by dialing 512-347-9927 and pressing 1 when asked for an extension. Note, often you may have to leave a voicemail and wait for a call back, because we are either on another call or at a program. Please note that missed calls without voicemails will not be returned.
  2. Post your question to the legal board. Within 5 business days (often sooner) one of the attorneys will post the answer to your question.


Can’t I just call my favorite attorney?

No. Any legal question voicemails or calls will be forwarded to the attorney on call. This is to ensure that we have someone answering calls each week and the other attorneys can work on resources, materials, and classes for the upcoming programs.

Can I just send an email?

No. Emails with legal calls will receive a reply asking you to post on the legal board or call the legal line for the same reasons listed above.


Thank you so much for your time and attention!  The TJCTC team is looking forward to another great year with all of our court staff, constables, and justices of the peace. Note, these new update emails will be saved to the TJCTC Blog, The Docket, so you can access them anytime.

All the Best,

Thea & the TJCTC Team