Here is an article that provides information on recent campaigns to help reduce impaired driving and improve overall traffic safety.
Here is an article that provides information on recent campaigns to help reduce impaired driving and improve overall traffic safety.
This article provides information on the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) Program that is researching technology that will automatically detect when a driver is intoxicated with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above 0.08%, and prevent the car from moving, which may soon be offered as a safety feature in new vehicles.
Here is an article that details studies and solutions to help reduce impaired driving on Texas roadways.
The holiday season brings a rise in impaired driving incidents. Here is an article that provides information on a traffic safety campaign trying to bring awareness to the issue and fight the dangerous holiday trend.
This article provides data on the monetary cost of traffic crash deaths in the U.S. broken down by each state, including Texas, as well as preventative measures to help lower the number of crashes in each state.
Here is an interesting article that provides a real life example of impaired driving in Texas, provides insight on how a sense of community affects traffic safety, and the ways in which you can help raise awareness.
This article provides some recent impaired driving statistics and information on the Faces of Drunk Driving campaign started by the Texas Department of Transportation to show the personal stories behind the statistics.
Impaired driving is more than drinking and driving. This is an interesting article that provides information regarding drugged driving.
Here is an excellent article with sobering facts about alcohol-impaired driving in Texas!
This article links to the Computerized Assessment and Referral System (CARS) which is a screening and assessment tool for DWI offenders and is now in use across the nation.