The Faces of Drunk Driving

The Faces of Drunk Driving is part of a Texas Department of Transportation public education campaign that highlights “the extensive human toll that drinking and driving can have and provides personal accounts from victims, families and others whose lives have been shattered.”

To visit the Faces of Drunk Driving website, click here.


Impacts of the Pandemic on Impaired Driving

Click on the links below to read some interesting news articles about how the COVID-19 pandemic has (or has not) impacted the number of DWI arrests in various parts of the state.

Fewer DWI’s in El Paso During COVID-19 Pandemic

DWI Arrests During Pandemic Down 41%, Recent Data Shows

DWI Numbers Rising Quickly as Houston Reopens

DWI Arrests in Austin Doubled the First Weekend Bars Reopened in May, New Data Shows

Despite Pandemic, Drunk Driving Numbers Still Up in North Texas

Pandemic Has Not Stopped DWI Epidemic


Upcoming National Judicial College Webinar: Access to Justice in Impaired Driving Cases – Costs of Pre-Trial Conditions

The National Judicial College (NJC) will be presenting the following webinar in August:

Title: Access to Justice in Impaired Driving Cases – Costs of Pre-Trial Conditions

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 11 a.m. CDT

Course Description: This NJC webcast, funded by NHTSA, will focus on the delicate balancing act of imposing pre-trial conditions on impaired drivers in traffic courts and the obstacles they often face in complying. This course will explore innovative and creative approaches to these cases while in the pre-trial stage and ways to avoid often crippling legal financial obligations and cost prohibitive conditions before final adjudication. This course will also address some of the practical challenges presented in imposing some conditions.

If you are interested in attending the webinar, you can register here.

Research Being Done on Tests to Detect Marijuana-Impaired Driving

Impaired Driving is not only caused by alcohol, but by any substance use that results in impairment. But effectively testing for impairment caused by substances other than alcohol can be difficult. Click on the link below to read an article about marijuana-impaired driving and the research that is currently being done to develop an effective test for it.

This Cannabis Saliva Test Could One Day Be Used To Detect Impaired Driving

TJCTC’s DWI Bond Condition Program

TJCTC’s DWI Bond Condition Program is a part of a statewide effort to reduce the incidence of DWI offenses in Texas counties in adopting a comprehensive plan for setting, monitoring, and enforcing bond conditions in DWI cases. The program is free for counties and promotes the use of bond conditions (such as ignition interlock devices) that reduce the incidence of DWI recidivism, increases consistency in setting bond conditions by a magistrate and a trial court, and ensures that bond conditions required by law are properly set, monitored, and enforced.

The program web page includes additional details, including a video about the program, and tells you how to contacts us if you would like more information or are interested in signing up. We have also recently updated the web page with a new map that shows all of the counties that are currently expressing interest or participating in the Program.

Please click here to visit the web page!