Updates 2.27.2025

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March is Upon Us!

As we finish out these last few days of February, we have several resources to share related to inquests, and some reminders about upcoming webinars and other programs.

Breaking News

Bulletin for Judges Conducting Inquests: Measles Outbreak

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) reports the first measles-related death in the ongoing outbreak affecting the South Plains and Panhandle regions. As of February 25, 2025, 124 confirmed cases have been reported since late January, with most occurring in children. Eighteen people have been hospitalized due to complications from the virus. For a detailed breakdown of cases by county, please refer to the DSHS update: Texas Health Services

Under Texas law, a “communicable disease” is defined as an illness transmitted from an infected person, animal, or environmental source. Health & Safety Code § 81.003. If an inquest suggests that a death may be related to a communicable disease, judges are required to report it immediately to the local health authority or the Texas Department of Health. Health & Safety Code § 81.045(c).

Key Indicators of Measles in Cause of Death Investigations
Measles is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact with infectious droplets or airborne transmission when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes. Symptoms typically appear 7-14 days after exposure, beginning with high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. A few days later, a red rash develops, starting on the face and spreading to the rest of the body. Infected individuals are contagious from about four days before the rash appears to four days after. If signs of measles are suspected in an inquest, immediate reporting and further investigation are necessary.

TJCTC is closely monitoring updates from DSHS and will keep you informed as they are provided.

Constable Corner

Webinar from Police One: Unlocking grant opportunities: Funding the future of public safety technology

Tuesday, March 11, at 1 p.m. 

Learn how to maximize resources and address critical challenges, including crime scene documentation, crash reconstruction and pre-incident planning.

Note: This is not a TJCTC sponsored webinar, but from a reputable criminal justice training agency. 

Link to register: https://www.police1.com/webinar-unlocking-grant-opportunities-funding-the-future-of-public-safety-technology?utm_source=delivra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=114071_FaroTech_P1_FullList_2979_24359.2_2-17-25&utm_id=8516488&dlv-emuid=340227d6-c376-43c9-955f-d7ee1ed0497d&dlv-mlid=8516488

Logo with text: Justice Court Section of the State Bar of Texas

Webinar from State Bar Justice Court Section: From Court Receivership Application & Hearing to What the Receiver Does After Issuance in Justice Court

FridayMarch 21, 2025, Noon – 1 pm 

Judge Ralph D. Swearingin, Jr. and Craig Noack will present From Court Receivership Application & Hearing to What the Receiver Does After Issuance in Justice Court. This session will offer 1 hour MCLE credit. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the webinar.

Course Description: This presentation will provide some insights from the bench on post-judgment collections and the appointment of receiverships. Additionally, the presentation will provide an in-depth look at the role of a receiver once appointed, including the behind-the-scenes work involved in collaborating with the judgment debtor

Note: This is not a TJCTC sponsored webinar, but from a section of the Texas State Bar Association.

Link to register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/1LlWU5qsRx6H8Dv_ZcWpPA#/registration


Upcoming TJCTC Webinars

Restorative Justice Pathways for Juvenile Offenses

March 14th from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Explore the critical intersection of emotional hygiene, shame, and juvenile behavior in our powerful session. Discover effective restorative justice strategies designed to promote healing, accountability, and meaningful community involvement within the juvenile justice system. Join us to unlock the power of restorative justice!

Link to register: https://txstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3YYucvTYS_C3ZTEKKMh_bQ#/registration

Law & Literature

Law & Literature Webinar

April 10th from 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Do you want to get paid to be part of a book club?  Join TJCTC’s webinar to discuss the book “Maid” that intersects the art of storytelling and the legal field.

Judge Brad Cummings from Hopkins County and TJCTC Attorney John Lackey will lead the discussion regarding the book.  Also, feel free to watch the Netflix series based on the book and be ready share your thoughts!

Learn more here: https://docket.wp.txstate.edu/2025/01/22/law-literature/

Link to register: https://txstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Er9LPQhaTl2jltrLKgyicQ#/registration

Clearing Your Docket While Helping Your Community: An Update

June 5th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm

This webinar will be an overview of strategies to clear criminal case dockets while ensuring that indigent defendants’ rights are protected.

It will include information about Omnibase holds, waiver of fines and fees, community service plans, other indigent assistance strategies, and include relevant legislative updates

Link to register: https://txstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_spcexLIFROSVykhcZrpsZg#/registration

"Resources for Courts to Share"

Heart Health Awareness Month

This month is Heart Health Awareness Month. From learning and teaching about inquests, we know that poor heart health often contributes to cause of death. Here are a few facts about heart health to think about for yourself and share with families when a person passes away as a result of heart disease.

Heart disease is very common. In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups. In 2022, 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States was caused by heart disease.

High blood pressure is a leading cause of heart disease. Nearly half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, which puts them at risk for heart disease and stroke. And just 1 in 4 people with high blood pressure has it under control.

Heart disease is costly. The cost of health care services, medications, and lost productivity from heart disease amounted to $252.2 billion between 2019 and 2020.

More information and resources can be found on the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/heart-disease/php/heart-month/index.html#cdc_generic_section_2-shareable-and-printable-tools-in-english-and-spanish

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TJCTC Updates 12.11.2024

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Happy Wednesday!

This week has been busy and also very exciting as we welcomed the new judges to their Stage I training.

This update is packed-full. Make sure you scroll all the way down to find the links for our NEW Juvenile Diversion Forms and to sign up for our upcoming Juvenile Diversions Webinar: Children in the Courts.

Caselaw Update Important

First Amendment Right to View Magistration Hearings

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a closed magistration hearing violates the First Amendment. The case is Texas Tribune v. Caldwell County.

Check out our full explanation and advice on TJCTC’s blog, The Docket.

Read the case: https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/24/24-50135-CV0.pdf

Legal Topic of the Week

Public/Open Records

As our newly-elected colleagues are taking office, so are many new court personnel and deputies. We thought this is an appropriate time to remind everyone about their duties related to public access to court and government records. 


Remember, courts hold two types of records: court case records and judicial records. Both are generally open for public access or inspection, with a few limitations. The chart below (from page 14 of the Recordkeeping and Reporting Deskbook) discusses the differences.

Court Case Records vs. Judicial Records

Key Point

Because these records are public, there should not be a burdensome process for a someone to go through, especially a party or person assisting in their representation.

For example, in an eviction case, an attorney may request a copy of the case file prior to agreeing to represent a tenant or landlord in an appeal, so that they can make sure they don’t have any conflicts. It is important for these records to be released promptly, because of the short timelines for the case. No letter of representation is necessary for the release of the records, because the record is public and could be released to anyone. If you would like the person requesting the record to submit a written request, it is a best practice to have a form ready for them to complete and allow submission of the request by email, mail, and at the counter. 

Do you want to study the specifics of records release and retention? The Recordkeeping Deskbook discusses these issues in detail!


Constable Records

Constable and other law enforcement offices are subject to the Public Information Act (PIA), so they follow different rules related to the release of records. 

The Texas Attorney General’s Office has a helpful page about the PIA requests and even has a PIA handbook available. Visit the AG’s PIA webpage: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/open-government/members-public/how-request-public-information

TJCTC Webinar: Children in the Courts 12/17/2024

This webinar will explore juvenile diversions including potential issues related to language access, mental health concerns, and disabilities. This course satisfies the requirement of Government Code Sec. 22.1105.  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 2:00 pm.

Note: An extension of this course will also be offered as a general session at the 20-hr Conferences during this academic year.

Register on Zoom: https://txstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BnXHlI0cRhaEuGveolXNBQ#/registration

Juvenile Diversion Forms Update

Did you know that we have lots of resources to help you with juvenile diversions?

Remember, Juvenile Diversion Plans must be in place and available for public inspection for all justice courts by January 1, 2025. 

Texas County Progress

The Texas County Judges & Commissioners Association publishes a monthly magazine that often has helpful articles and information for justices of the peace and constables.

This month they shared an article called Do’s and Don’ts of County Purchasing, that might be of particular interest, especially for the newly-elected.

Read the Article on the County Progress website: https://countyprogress.com/dos-and-donts-county-purchasing/

Do you have questions about this update or have something we should share? Please email Amber Myers at a_m1814@txstate.edu with any questions or content to share.

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More Training Opportunities

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Hello Everyone!

We have a few more training opportunities over the next few weeks to share with you.

Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom, so you don’t miss anything!

Online Addiction Response Training for Justice Professionals

All Rise is sharing a free training opportunity from the Addiction Policy Forum. Criminal Justice Responding to Addiction is a three-hour training designed to help justice professionals and organizations support their communities by increasing knowledge about addiction and developing response skills and strategies. The training is on Friday, July 26 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Central, and a certificate for continuing education credit will be available. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WXdq6_TzTmG71N5n2oC9HA#/registration

Fairness Challenge Pilot Program

Do you want to make your court more fair for the litigants that you serve? You may want to join the LaGratta Consulting’s Fairness Challenge Pilot Project. They are looking for courts to join in a 9-month project to increase fairness in their court. This is a great opportunity to receive assistance both virtually and in-person from nationally recognized court experts. More information about the project can be found here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d260fabfdbd0000011668cb/t/669539eeb7411f4b39b9962b/1721055726053/Pilot+Site+Announcement%2C+Fairness+Challenge+Pilot+7.15.2024.pdf

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Courses

August 7, 2024, online webinar: Harnessing Technology to Monitor Substance Use in Impaired Driving Cases”

November 4 – 7, 2024, in-person course, Reno, NV; The Traffic Case: A Course for Nonlawyer Judges

December 4, 2024, online webinar: Impaired Driving 2024: What’s New?

Visit the NJC website at http://www.judges.org for registration information and for a full list of the NJC’s courses.

Constable Corner

Are you looking for online training updates? Lexipol offers a great number of free webinars and other resources for law enforcement. These resources are a great compliment to your civil process training from TJCTC, as they cover other topics that we do not teach and that may not always be available in-person for your offices.

Check out The Briefing from Lexipol for updates on new training.


Happy training!

-Thea & the TJCTC Team

TJCTC Webinar Follow-Up: TAA Updated Lease

TJCTC Webinar Follow-Up


We had a fantastic webinar presented by the Texas Apartment Association (TAA) at the end of February about the updated TAA lease.

If you missed the webinar or just want to reference it, the recording of the webinar and the handouts have been posted on the TJCTC Recordings for Credit PageNote, please be patient as your credit for this webinar is being posted on your transcript. It can take up to 2-3 weeks.

Have a great week!

Thea & the TJCTC Team

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month

image of fist and person looking down to signify family violence

Did you know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month?

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men in the United States experience domestic violence, and nearly 1.5 million high school students are physically abused by dating partners every year according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Many organizations have indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic has seen instances of domestic violence increase dramatically, while it has been even harder for survivors to get the help that they need to leave dangerous situations.

Those are some disappointing facts, and the increasing numbers show the importance of awareness and education about domestic violence.

What can you do to help?

Chances are that justice courts see both adults and children or teens that have survived domestic violence every day. These survivors might show up in your court for cases that you might not initially expect, like truancy and traffic cases.

There are many resources available, and courts can share these resources with people who come to the court. A few comprehensive resources can be found below:

Hotline, shelter, and counseling information, including contact information for local resources, can be found here: https://nomore.org/need-immediate-help/

The Texas Council on Family Violence Survivor Resources, including new information about lease termination for survivors of family violence, sexual purple ribbon signifying support for domestic violence awarenessassault, or stalking, can be found here: https://tcfv.org/survivor-resources/

Where can you learn more?

One of our new, self-paced modules, Family Violence and Other Criminal History Reporting for Justice Courts includes education and resources about family violence in Texas. The module and information about how to receive judicial education credit for completing it can be found here: https://www.tjctc.org/onlinelearning/selfpacedmodules.html.

The Texas Domestic Violence Resource Program for courts, including information about the Protective Order Registry, can be found at the Texas Courts website here: https://www.txcourts.gov/dvrp/.

In case you missed it, you can read more about the Protective Order Registry and the justice court’s requirements in our blog post from last month here.

Purple ribbon signifying support for domestic violence awareness

Jurisdictional Limit Increase Now in Effect

As we move into fall, many courts (and TJCTC) have been consumed with the COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-changing landscape that justice courts currently face. However, we wanted to remind you that in addition, the jurisdictional limit increase to $20,000 went into effect on September 1, 2020. Below are some answers to common questions that we have received over the last few weeks regarding the jurisdictional limit increase.

Can a plaintiff amend their petition that was filed prior to September 1 to increase their claim to more than $10,000 on or after September 1?

While a plaintiff generally has a right to amend their petition, and the court now has jurisdiction over a claim for damages that does not exceed $20,000, there are factors that must be considered when determining what happens when a plaintiff who filed a case before Sept. 1 now wants to amend a petition to seek more than $10,000 in damages.

The only time this could create a jurisdictional issue is if the damages are liquidated (definite and clearly ascertainable by reference to a written document), and the plaintiff had improperly filed a suit over which the court did not have jurisdiction prior to September 1. In that case, since the court did not have jurisdiction over the case when it was filed, technically the court would have to dismiss the case, but because the court does have jurisdiction now the plaintiff could re-file for the higher amount.

If, instead, the damages in the case are unliquidated (that is, they are not definite and clearly ascertainable by reference to a written document), then there should not be any issue with the plaintiff now seeking the higher amount. This is because there is no prohibition on reducing an unliquidated claim to “manufacture jurisdiction” in justice court. Of course, they will still have to prove their damages at trial.

Even in a case seeking liquidated damages, if the amendment is due to an increase in damages under the “mere passage of time” rule, the plaintiff may also amend to an amount that is more than the jurisdictional limit. See page 8 of the Civil Deskbook.

We do not believe that just because the plaintiff amends the petition to allege a higher amount the court must conduct a special inquiry over whether it had jurisdiction before September 1. However, if it comes to the court’s attention that it clearly did not have jurisdiction before Sept. 1, then the court would have to dismiss subject to the plaintiff’s right to refile the case now that the court’s jurisdiction has increased.

For more information on liquidated v. unliquidated damages, which types of damages count against the jurisdictional limit, and how to determine if a case is within justice court jurisdiction please see pages 8 – 10 of the Civil Deskbook.

Is the jurisdictional limit for a Repair and Remedy Case still $10,000?

Yes. The Legislature did not amend Property Code 92.0563(e), which says: “A justice court may not award a judgment under this section . . . that exceeds $10,000, excluding interest and costs of court.” However, the Supreme Court did change Rule 509.2(a)(8) to say $20,000.

We think this was an oversight on the Court’s part because the Legislature had increased the jurisdictional amount in all other civil justice court cases, and believe that the Court will likely amend the rule to match Property Code 92.0563(e) at some point in the near future.

Also, it seems likely that the Legislature will address this in the 2021 session, making the jurisdictional cap in these cases $20,000 as well. Stay tuned!

Check out TJCTC’s Online Learning Resources for webinars, recordings for credit, and other resources related to the jurisdictional increase and civil cases!

The topics include: The $20,000 Question: Jurisdictional Increase in Justice Court; Tricky Issues: Civil Cases; CPR for Civil Knowledge: Understanding the CPRC; Fundamentals of Contracts; Torts-Crash Into Me; How Much Should the Judgment Be? Calculating Damages in Civil Cases, and more!

Family Violence Reporting

Many of you probably remember hearing about the new (to justice court) requirement to report class c assault family violence cases to DPS at TJCTC’s Legislative Updates last summer.

For any offense committed on or after September 1, 2019, the court must report information regarding a person’s citation or arrest for class c assault family violence to DPS within 30 days of the disposition of the case. Code of Criminal Procedure 66.252.

This information will be reported to DPS either by completing the CR-43 form initiated by law enforcement or reporting directly online to the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS). DPS has regional representatives who can provide training and get your court set up to report online.

Because we do not have access to the CJIS system at TJCTC, we are unable to answer technical questions about the system or how the reporting works. However, we are in the process of working with DPS to create a webinar for justice courts related to the reporting process.

You can find more information about reporting and the necessary forms on the DPS website, here.

If you would like contact information for your regional representative, please email Amber Myers at A_M1814@tjctc.org.

Another good resource for practical information on reporting these cases is your county or district clerk as they report the same information on case dispositions in their respective courts.



TAC Cybersecurity Training Registration Open

Did you see the Texas Association of Counties’ (TAC) legislative newsletter today? It announced that registration is open for TAC’s cybersecurity training course that is certified by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR).

This course satisfies the annual cybersecurity training requirement for county employees and is free to all Texas counties.

Click here for more information.

Update on Eviction Default Judgment Case

Dear Judges:

This is an update of our post on The Docket on November 27, 2019 concerning the decision by the 68th District Court in Dallas County holding that default money judgments for back rent in an eviction case, where the citation was served by posting and mailing to the premises, are unconstitutional as a violation of due process.

The district court entered a final judgment in the case on December 20, 2019, which may be viewed here: Simmons v Jones.   An appeal filed by the Attorney General relating to jurisdictional issues is pending in the Fifth Court of Appeals.

The question you may have is whether you are legally required to follow the District Court’s decision and refuse to enter a default judgment for back rent in an eviction case where the citation was served by alternative service by posting and mailing. We believe the answer to this question is no. The 68th District Court’s decision is only binding with respect to the single plaintiff in that case and the court did not enter any injunctive relief directed to any justice court. We therefore believe you should continue to follow the existing law and procedure with respect to alternative service by posting and mailing as set forth in Rule 510.4(c) and Property Code § 24.0051(a).

If you have any questions or concerns about this case or how it affects application of eviction laws and procedures, you may discuss this matter with your county attorney.

We will continue to monitor these issues and keep you informed of any further developments.

Very truly yours,