Here is an article that details how Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is expanding their network, including empowering individual giving, to help fight impaired driving.
Here is an article that details how Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is expanding their network, including empowering individual giving, to help fight impaired driving.
We have a few more training opportunities over the next few weeks to share with you.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom, so you don’t miss anything!
All Rise is sharing a free training opportunity from the Addiction Policy Forum. Criminal Justice Responding to Addiction is a three-hour training designed to help justice professionals and organizations support their communities by increasing knowledge about addiction and developing response skills and strategies. The training is on Friday, July 26 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Central, and a certificate for continuing education credit will be available. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WXdq6_TzTmG71N5n2oC9HA#/registration
Do you want to make your court more fair for the litigants that you serve? You may want to join the LaGratta Consulting’s Fairness Challenge Pilot Project. They are looking for courts to join in a 9-month project to increase fairness in their court. This is a great opportunity to receive assistance both virtually and in-person from nationally recognized court experts. More information about the project can be found here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d260fabfdbd0000011668cb/t/669539eeb7411f4b39b9962b/1721055726053/Pilot+Site+Announcement%2C+Fairness+Challenge+Pilot+7.15.2024.pdf
August 7, 2024, online webinar: “Harnessing Technology to Monitor Substance Use in Impaired Driving Cases”
November 4 – 7, 2024, in-person course, Reno, NV; “The Traffic Case: A Course for Nonlawyer Judges”
December 4, 2024, online webinar: “Impaired Driving 2024: What’s New?”
Visit the NJC website at http://www.judges.org for registration information and for a full list of the NJC’s courses.
Are you looking for online training updates? Lexipol offers a great number of free webinars and other resources for law enforcement. These resources are a great compliment to your civil process training from TJCTC, as they cover other topics that we do not teach and that may not always be available in-person for your offices.
Check out The Briefing from Lexipol for updates on new training.
Happy training!
-Thea & the TJCTC Team